Unhappy with your clean? Reclean Guarantee

We care about the quality of our services and offer the Reclean Guarantee to our customers. Compensation can be provided in the form of a reclean, credit to your account, complimentary future clean or free additional addons.

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Questions about reclean

What is included in eMop cleaning service?

You can review what is included in the cleaning here

How to book a reclean?

Please email us at support@emop.world or get in touch via live chat feature on our website within 48 hours of the cleaning being completed with a full description of the issues together with any supporting evidence. Our support team will review your email and get in touch with you ASAP.

What is eMop complaint procedure?

Please read more about eMop complaints procedure here

Book cleaning service

Our standard cleaning service includes everything you need to get your home in order as quickly as possible. You can book additional services when you make your booking.


Cleaning Is No Longer
Your Burden

Cleaning Is No Longer
Your Burden
